Edison and Ford Winter Estates – Part One

Judy HardimanTravel 2 Comments

In the city known as The City of Palms – Fort Myers, Florida, you will find the beautifully maintained and historic winter estates of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Two highly successful innovators and entrepreneurs who “helped revolutionize civilization in the last century”. Thanks to Edison and Ford, we are able to light our way in the dark and climb …

The 38th Annual Harvestfest Photography Competition

Judy HardimanCompetition Leave a Comment

Image Makers Photography Club in Truro, Nova Scotia is holding its 38th Annual Harvestfest Photography Competition and this is their fourth year going digital. Two years ago, Image Makers updated their competition in a couple of ways to reflect the changing way we share photos today.  Imagemakers changed the age limit for students, they added a new category for more …

Pre-Planned vs Spontaneous Photography

Jim HardimanPhotography 2 Comments

Recently, Judy and I joined Wayne Bennett and Ron Caimano on a trip to Ocala, Florida to shoot the sunrise in a familiar spot.  When we arrived, it was foggy and it was clear (pun intended) that there was not going to be the classic golden sunrise that we were going to shoot.  In any case, the shoot was wonderful.  …

A Visit to Old Car City USA

Judy HardimanTravel Leave a Comment

There is a special place in White, Georgia, a photographer’s paradise if you will, where people from around the world come to photograph the ever-changing relationship between classic cars and nature.  A place where you will find 4,200 whole American cars 1972 and older spread out over 34 acres and 7 miles of trail.  There is so much to see, …

Merry Christmas

Judy HardimanHoliday Leave a Comment

Thank you for your support this year through your comments, likes and sharing of our posts.  We appreciate it very much. Our website is meant to be a place where we can share with you our love of photography, art and learning.  Our hope, is that you will find the content helpful in either planning a trip or helping you …

Understanding Procrastination

Judy HardimanLearning Leave a Comment

Procrastination is not new.  It has been around for centuries and while everyone procrastinates from time to time, not everyone is a chronic procrastinator.  For the situational procrastinator, delaying action until tomorrow may not hurt you; however, if you are a chronic procrastinator, you may be setting yourself up to fail on a regular basis and this type of behaviour …