The Wonderful World of Werble

Judy HardimanLearning Leave a Comment

Last month, I gave my first teaching presentation to our local camera club on the subject of iPhone Photography.  My talk focused on the various apps that I use during my post-processing, I showed a few before and after images and then I did a live demonstration showing everyone the steps I took to get to my final images.   …

Understanding Procrastination

Judy HardimanLearning Leave a Comment

Procrastination is not new.  It has been around for centuries and while everyone procrastinates from time to time, not everyone is a chronic procrastinator.  For the situational procrastinator, delaying action until tomorrow may not hurt you; however, if you are a chronic procrastinator, you may be setting yourself up to fail on a regular basis and this type of behaviour …

Guest Blog for Rick Sammon – Photography in Nova Scotia

Jim HardimanLearning, Nova Scotia, Photography, Travel Leave a Comment

I was asked by Rick Sammon to write a blog about taking photographs in Nova Scotia.  It was posted on 23 Mar 2015.  If you would like to read it it can be found at  Rick Sammon is an American professional photographer who offers excellent seminars and workshops around the world.  There is much to learn from him and …

THE WAIT IS OVER: Bragging Rights Photo Competition

Judy HardimanCompetition, Learning, Photography 2 Comments

Jim has polished up the software and we are ready to go.  All we need are your images.  To recap, the first theme is “Open”.  We are excited about this competition and hope that you will enter and show everyone how you see the world. The goal for this month’s theme is to introduce yourself and your work.  Show everyone …