THE WAIT IS OVER: Bragging Rights Photo Competition

Judy HardimanCompetition, Learning, Photography 2 Comments

Jim has polished up the software and we are ready to go.  All we need are your images.  To recap, the first theme is “Open”.  We are excited about this competition and hope that you will enter and show everyone how you see the world.

The goal for this month’s theme is to introduce yourself and your work.  Show everyone what you like, what you love, what moves you, what your favourite subject is.  Show us your style, the way you see things or perhaps an image you already have that you really love and want to share.

All times are Atlantic Time.  You may participate in this competition in two ways.  You may enter an image each month and you may vote.  You are free to do both or just one.  If you decide that you wish to enter, you will select the box that says “Submitting Images”.  All the instructions that you require to successfully enter an image are found on the submission page.  You may submit an image from 12:00 am on the 1st of the month until 11:59 pm on the 14th of the month.  After that time, the images will be prepared for voting.

If you decide that you would like to vote and help to determine who wins, you will select a box that says “Vote for Your Favourite”.  You will find a button that will take you to the current gallery of images where you will be able to cast your vote.  Voting begins at 12:00 am on the 17th of the month and ends at 11:59 pm on the last day of the month.  After that time, the winners will be announced and the images will be prepared for display.

Why do you need to register?

To participate as a contributor of an image, you must register and agree to the terms and conditions.  The one time registration process takes very little time and collects only a name and email address.  The purpose of the registration is to ensure unique entries, allow attribution of the image to the creator, credit you with a win and allow the system to keep a list of images available for you to view when you want to see what you have entered in other months.  Your email address will not be shared for any reason.  Your name will only be used on this site and on social media connected with your photo.  If you do not wish to register, you will not be able to enter a photograph; however, you can still take part in the voting.

To recap the other themes, here is a list for the following months:

April – Vibrant Colour
May – Portraits Without Faces
June – Things That Are Out of Place
July – Patterns
August – Fruit
September – Lights at Night
October – Food
November – Water
December – Annual Competition

Remember, the Bragging Rights Photo Competition is open to all photographers and there is no age limit.  Be sure to enter and help us share the joy of photography.

Judy Hardiman

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Comments 2

  1. Hi – member of Kelowna Lightroom group and was forwarded your info. Interesting concept and will, on occasion, participate subject to scheduling, timing etc. and glad you took the initiative.

    Moved west from Prince Edward Island in 1978. Went to Dal and Nova Scotia Tech so know your area well. Winters are almost non existant in our Valley. However, go to Palm Desert for a few months to golf etc.

    Admire you initiative and hope you ‘re successful.

    Larry Kelly

  2. Larry, thank you for the kind words. I am sure your winter was much better than the winter in PEI! We look forward to your entries. I am pleased that your club passed on the details. We are grateful for people passing on the word. Jim.

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