Q & A – About Us

Judy HardimanInterview, Photography Leave a Comment

Question 2 What do you love most about photography? JUDY:  “For me, it’s the adventure.  I love going out and taking photographs.  I love going to a new town or new city that I have never been to before and wondering what I am going to see.  I just find it so exciting.  And, it doesn’t have to be an …

Great Photographers – Josef Sudek

Judy HardimanLearning, Photography 5 Comments

As a self-taught photographer and painter, I spend a lot of time studying Art and Photography.  I enjoy learning and I am able to research these subjects at my own pace and focus on topics that truly interest me.  I am fortunate because these two creative activities, Painting and Photography, compliment each other very well.  The Principles of Design and …

Using Lightroom® to Remove Sensor Dust from Photos: Using the Spot Removal Tool

Jim HardimanLearning, Photography, Training, Video 2 Comments

Sensor dust is a fact of life for those of us using a DSLR.  It is important to use good lens changing techniques and clean your sensor (professionally if you are not sure how to do it) if it gets to the point where dust is causing a problem with your photos.  To deal with problem dust that is already …

Q & A – About Us

Judy HardimanInterview, Photography 2 Comments

Since this is our first website and we have not had the opportunity to be interviewed by anyone yet, I thought that I would start a regular post entitled “Q & A – About Us.“In this post, I will ask Jim and I the same question and you will be able to see our answers in the same article.  The …