Using Lightroom® to Remove Sensor Dust from Photos: Using the Spot Removal Tool

Jim HardimanLearning, Photography, Training, Video 2 Comments

Sensor dust is a fact of life for those of us using a DSLR.  It is important to use good lens changing techniques and clean your sensor (professionally if you are not sure how to do it) if it gets to the point where dust is causing a problem with your photos.  To deal with problem dust that is already in your photos, Lightroom® has a wonderful tool in the Develop module.  The Spot Removal tool has an option that greatly assists you in identifying dust.  This Quick Tip shows you how to use it.


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Comments 2

  1. Love the tip, another thing I didn’t know – and your Lightroom course is when? LOL
    One thing at a time – watching your dust removal tip was like watching “Kelby Training” …we now have a hands on instructor in “Truro” – or on line – feeling very happy and excited for you and Judy (also for me)!

    1. Sheila. I am glad that you enjoyed the tip – there will be more. You are much too kind with your comments, but thank you. Jim

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