The Wonderful World of Werble

Judy HardimanLearning Leave a Comment

Last month, I gave my first teaching presentation to our local camera club on the subject of iPhone Photography.  My talk focused on the various apps that I use during my post-processing, I showed a few before and after images and then I did a live demonstration showing everyone the steps I took to get to my final images.   …

Look Around

Jim HardimanPhotography Leave a Comment

We have all done it.  We arrive at a location for some landscape photography and get mesmerized by the main subject.  It can be the mountain, the canyon, the tree or anything else we went to photograph.  Often, it is reinforced by previous shots that we have seen of iconic locations.  We plant ourselves in front of the subject and …

Edison and Ford Winter Estates – Part Two

Judy HardimanTravel Leave a Comment

In last month’s blog entitled “Edison and Ford Winter Estates – Part One”, I introduced you to the winter estates of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford; however, most of the information was dedicated specifically to Edison and his properties because it was Edison who first established his winter home in Fort Myers.  Ford did not purchase his estate until 1916.  …

Edison and Ford Winter Estates – Part One

Judy HardimanTravel 2 Comments

In the city known as The City of Palms – Fort Myers, Florida, you will find the beautifully maintained and historic winter estates of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. Two highly successful innovators and entrepreneurs who “helped revolutionize civilization in the last century”. Thanks to Edison and Ford, we are able to light our way in the dark and climb …

Pre-Planned vs Spontaneous Photography

Jim HardimanPhotography 2 Comments

Recently, Judy and I joined Wayne Bennett and Ron Caimano on a trip to Ocala, Florida to shoot the sunrise in a familiar spot.  When we arrived, it was foggy and it was clear (pun intended) that there was not going to be the classic golden sunrise that we were going to shoot.  In any case, the shoot was wonderful.  …

Understanding Procrastination

Judy HardimanLearning Leave a Comment

Procrastination is not new.  It has been around for centuries and while everyone procrastinates from time to time, not everyone is a chronic procrastinator.  For the situational procrastinator, delaying action until tomorrow may not hurt you; however, if you are a chronic procrastinator, you may be setting yourself up to fail on a regular basis and this type of behaviour …