The 38th Annual Harvestfest Photography Competition
Image Makers Photography Club in Truro, Nova Scotia is holding its 38th Annual Harvestfest Photography Competition and this is their fourth year going digital.
Two years ago, Image Makers updated their competition in a couple of ways to reflect the changing way we share photos today. Imagemakers changed the age limit for students, they added a new category for more advanced photographers, and they made the student category free.
The competition continues to be open to Amateur and Advanced photographers.
Categories are as follows:
- Landscape/Seascape
- The colour “Yellow”
- People
- Digital Creations (see website)
- Animal
- Open (see website)
- Flora
- Under 18 years of age – Open subject up to 4 images
- Advanced Open – Open subject up to 4 images (An explanation for all the categories can be found at Truro Image Makers Website )
Entry Limit: A total of 4 images per entrant with no more than 1 entry per category with the exception of the Under 18 and Advanced Open.
Entry Fees: $5.00 per image (Under the age of 18, is free)
Time line:
- June 08, 2018 – Contest Opens
- September 07, 2018 – Contest Closes
- September 26, 2018 – Presentations 7:00-10:00 pm in the cafeteria of Truro Junior High School
- Private Judging prior to September 26, 2018
For full details and contest rules, visit the Competition Page on Truro Image Makers Website or contact Brian Russell at 902-897-0131
Judy Hardiman
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