The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

Judy HardimanLearning, Thoughts Leave a Comment

What keeps us from starting?  Procrastination?  Lack of time?  Fear of failure?  Not enough resources?  We all have our reasons.  I know I have used a few of these myself.  Right now, I am working on a new painting; however, it has taken me a year to get started.  I kept putting it off.

The last painting I did was a piece 40” x 60“ entitled “Fly Away” and it took me three years to complete.  I could only work on it for 6 months at a time and it was the most detailed painting that I had done.  For three years, this painting was all that I thought about, the only thing I painted.  I had spent so much time on this one painting that I had a difficult time trying to decide what I was going to paint next.  For several years, I had painted nothing but quilt patterns.  I loved doing those pieces but now it was time to move on and I didn’t know what I wanted to do next.

Finally, I made a decision to paint one of my photographs.  But, once again, I had trouble getting started.  This time I was focused on my photography, getting our website up and running and then writing material for our blog.  It always seemed like there was not enough time.

Then as I was looking for a quote for my next blog article, I came across this quote by Walt Disney, “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”  I began writing and I thought, “How can I write an article trying to encourage others to get started if I can’t do it myself?  I thought long and hard about my reasons and I took a good look at them.  The bottom line is – I was afraid that I was going to waste a good canvas because I hadn’t worked out how I was going to tackle my painting.  I was starting something different and it was a little scary.

So, once I really understand what was holding me back, I studied my photograph and mapped out a plan and then I got started.  I went to Michael’s and bought some canvas, flexible modelling paste and paint.  And then, I got started.

Once I began applying the modelling paste, I remembered why I love painting.  I love being creative.  I love the process, the planning, the challenge, the feel of the paint, stepping back and taking a final look before you sign your work.  It can be a joyful experience.

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get started.  Now, I am excited and anxious to see the results.  It is interesting that I came across this particular quote.  It is just what I needed.

What project have you been waiting to start?  What is holding you back?

Judy Hardiman

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