Q & A – About Us
Question 6
Do you work as a professional photographer or is photography mainly a hobby for you?
JUDY: “Photography is much more than a hobby for me. I would say, it is a passion, an art form, a way to express myself. Being a professional photographer is not my goal. Having said that, you never know what the future has in store for you. Right now, I am just interested in learning how to be a great photographer and share what I see and feel through my photography.
If someone wants to hire me for a project, then I will see where I am at that point. But mainly, photography is just a passion that I like to enjoy.”
JIM: “Well, I certainly don’t consider myself a professional photographer, if being a professional photographer would require me to work and take photos for a client. As I am retired, I am really not interested in full-time work.
However, photography is more than a hobby for me. I like to share what I have learned with others. As a result, I do like to teach workshops and that type of thing. But as far as being a professional photographer, someone who is hired to do a job, I would not consider myself one of those.”