COMING SOON: Bragging Rights Photo Competition

Judy HardimanCompetition, Learning, Photography 4 Comments will soon be introducing an online monthly photo competition that will begin in March 2015.  The competition will run monthly and is intended to promote and encourage photographers of all skill levels to share their talent and show others how they “SEE” the world around them.

There will be a different theme each month.  First, Second and Third Place winners will have their images highlighted on our website for one month.  All images from the monthly competition will be assembled in a gallery for the public to enjoy.  At the end of the year, all the monthly winners will be entered into the Annual Competition where the “BEST IMAGES OF THE YEAR” will be chosen.  These winning images will be posted for one year on our website until the next annual competition winners are announced.  All images entered in the competitions will be voted on by the public.  Should there be a tie, HardimanImages will make the final decision.

There are no prizes other than bragging rights and exposure.  In keeping with the intent of our website, we want to encourage photographers to get out and take compelling, impactful photographs.  Show the world your best images and use this competition to help you grow and inspire others.

In order for everyone to have enough time to be prepared for the competitions, we have made a list of the monthly themes.  This should give everyone enough time to think about what they want to photograph and make some plans.

March – Open Category
April – Vibrant Colour
May – Portraits Without Faces
June – Things That Are Out of Place
July – Patterns
August – Fruit
September – Lights at Night
October – Food
November – Water
December – Annual Competition

The Bragging Rights Photo Competition is open to all photographers and there is no age limit.  Be sure to enter and help us share the joy of photography.  More details will be posted in the next few weeks.

Judy Hardiman

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Comments 4

    1. Post

      Sue, as the 01 March 2015 date approaches the links and tools will be available on our website.

      We will post a message on our website and on Facebook.

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